This past weekend was full of the Cyclocross State Championships in San Antonio. I came into the weekend with a cold, but I tried to ignore it and race...bad idea. Saturday was the age-based State Championships and I raced my first race in my new age category, Junior Men 17-18. Sunday was the category-based State Championships where I raced in the 3/4's. On Saturday, I ended up taking the win by about 30 seconds over Danny Parks and Conner Steward. The course was a fairly long course with two sand pits, one that you HAD to run across, and a few technical sections. I started hard and was able to get a big gap that no one was able to close. The race today didn't go so good. I was able to get a good start and entered the course in second wheel. I then went to the front and got a small gap, but it was brought down by a Chad Christian on Joe's Pros Bikes. I stayed with him for about a half a lap until my throat seized up due to my cold. I then started to fade away and was passed by about 20 riders until I could barely take a small breath in. After signaling this to my dad I pulled out of the race and headed home. I usually hate to quit races, but today I really had no other choice but to pull out. Special thanks to Richmond Fraiser and Rob Kane for putting on two stellar events this weekend, and congratulations to all the new state champions!